Termes et conditions


Terms & Conditions


February 22th, 2024



The purpose of these Terms & Conditions is to offer clear guidance and ensure a rewarding experience for InovoCB members and affiliates. This comprehensive document outlines our program’s features, benefits, and operational guidelines, covering aspects such as member conduct, solicitation, marketing practices, and other relevant procedures. Adherence to these policies is crucial for all members and affiliates to uphold their membership status and enjoy associated benefits fully. Failure to comply with these terms may lead to the termination of membership and forfeiture of any accrued benefits. We encourage all stakeholders to familiarize themselves with these terms to foster a mutually beneficial relationship within our community.




An InovoCB Member is defined as any individual that is 18 or older, who has completed the registration process at InovoCB.COM and has been granted login access to the InovoCB Portal.

InovoCB Free Membership is Free:


Membership benefits may include:


Cashback Shopping: Members can share their current shopping data with us and get paid for it. Shop at all the same retail Merchants, upload a proof-of-purchase receipt, and submit for redemption. Once approved and upon sale of the data, eligible members may receive up to $25 per month in cashback.


InovoCB Premium Membership ($100 USD) and Premium+ Membership ($150 USD) every 30 days:


Membership benefits may include:


Cashback Shopping – Similar to Free Membership, premium members can earn cashback rewards by sharing their shopping data. Once approved and upon sale of the data, qualified members may receive up to $200 for Premium or $300 for Premium+ per month in cashback, potentially saving thousands of dollars annually on their shopping expenses.




Premium Program – Premium Program: Premium members can participate in our affiliate program, earning commissions for referring new customers and building a customer membership team. Qualified affiliates receive daily deposits to their Inovo Wallet, access to advanced genealogy management tools, notifications, reminders, and messages.


Support Center: Access to our 24/7 ticket management system for troubleshooting and support. Members can also reach out via email to support@InovoCB.com. Notifications, reminders and messages


Automated Software Updates and Enhancements


Access to Events and Company Updates


Training – Comins Soon!


Daily Rewards – Coming Soon!


Mobile App – Coming Soon!


INOCB crypto – Coming Soon!




3. Membership Status

The membership account will enter one or more of the following membership statuses: Active, Inactive, Suspended, or Terminated. The privileges and consequences of each membership status level are described below:



An “Active” membership subscription entitles the Member to individual rights, privileges, and benefits of an “Active” member. A member may become “Active” by:

Enroll or renew through the InovoCB Portal, select a membership plan, and proceed with payment if necessary, using BTC or a Credit/Debit card.

Does not renew is membership plan and goes automatically to Free membership

with the InovoCB membership benefits



An « Inactive » membership status is assigned to a member who does not currently maintain an « Active » membership subscription. A member becomes inactive if no data and/or receipt is entered for 15 consecutive days on any membership plan. An individual may only retain « Inactive » status for up to a total of 30 consecutive days before transitioning to « Terminated » membership status on day 31. Should an « Inactive » Member renew their membership subscription and/or input data before the termination date, their membership status will revert to « Active. » Inactive members do not retain any rights, privileges, or benefits associated with an « Active » membership.


A “Suspended” membership status applies to a Member who has had their account access temporarily revoked. A Member may enter this status from the Compliance Enforcement Team while an investigation is ongoing. A “Suspended” member is instantly marked “Inactive” and loses all access to the InovoCB Portal and membership benefits until the investigation is complete. “Suspended” status usually only lasts a few days but can last more than two (2) weeks or until a decision is made by the Compliance Enforcement Team.


“Terminated” status goes into effect when a member remains “Inactive” for more than 30 consecutive days. On the 31st day of consecutive inactive status, the member will enter “Terminated” status. Each Terminated member will have all account wallet values cleared, all personal information permanently removed, and will no longer have any access to renew that membership subscription in the InovoCB Portal. If the “Terminated” account still has members (whether active or inactive) in their team, then the “Terminated” account will remain visible in the Genealogy Tree. If the “Terminated” account doesn’t have any members in their team, then that position will also be removed from the Genealogy tree. If a “Terminated” Member wishes to reactivate their account, they must enroll again as a new Member.


“Self-Termination” is when a member has opted to manually terminate their account from the member profile page. Each Terminated Member will be removed from the membership database and will no longer have any right to access or renew their membership in the InovoCB Portal. All account wallet values will be cleared, and all personal information will be permanently removed from the system. If a “Terminated” Member wishes to reactivate their account, they must enroll again as a new Member.

To initiate self-termination, the member needs to send an email to compliance@InovoCB.com, mentioning the self-termination request. Please note that the processing of the request may take up to 10 business days.



A member who is “Banned” has been barred from the system due to a Compliance violation. All account values will be cleared, and all personal information will be permanently removed from the system. Members that have been “Banned” from the Compliance Enforcement Team, will no longer have any right to access or renew their membership in the InovoCB Portal. They will also not be allowed or welcome to register or enroll again in the future. If the “Banned” account still has members (whether active or inactive) in their team, then the “Banned” account will remain visible in the Genealogy Tree. If the “Banned” account doesn’t have any members in their team, then that position will also be removed from the Genealogy tree.







With our Cashback Program, InovoCB Free members can share their current shopping data with us and receive up to 2% cashback in Data points, while InovoCB Premium and Premium+ members can earn up to 20% cashback per receipt submitted, converted into Data points! Shop at the same local retail merchants, upload the proof-of-purchase receipt using our new AI technology and submit a Redemption, and earn rewards in data points. Convert these Data points into Bitcoin or cash!


It’s as simple as sharing personalized shopping data with us, participating in surveys, and being part of our community. InovoCB Free members may receive up to $25 USD* per month, InovoCB Premium members up to $200 USD* per month, and InovoCB Premium+ members up to $300 USD* per month, potentially saving thousands of dollars annually on their everyday shopping expenses.


With our InovoCB Program, our goals are to:


Provide high-value rewards and incentives to our members for sharing their current shopping data and habits.

Sell advertising to local merchants to generate additional revenue streams from the data, insights, and consumer reports we collect.

Utilize AI technology to innovate the way we monetize this data for our members.

Foster a community and pioneer data analysis to assist merchants and partners.

Provide training to our community members.

Stay at the forefront of AI and technology to serve our members by introducing and guiding them into this world.





Receipt Submission Process

To start submitting your shopping data receipts (ELECTRONIC RECEIPT ONLY), please navigate to the designated section and follow the process for submission. Additionally, you may have the option to manually add receipts from your device.

Merchant Eligibility and Selection Criteria

InovoCB selects merchants based on specific criteria to ensure the integrity and reliability of our data collection process. Here are the requirements for merchant eligibility:

Presence on Google Maps:


All merchants must be listed on Google Maps to be considered for inclusion in our system. If a merchant is not listed on Google Maps, it cannot be approved (some online store without physical position may be accepted).


Merchant Categories:


InovoCB collects shopping data from various retail sources, including big-box retail chains, local retail merchants, fuel/petrol stations, convenience stores, restaurants, and other retail and online shopping outlets (Amazon, MLM with product)


Acceptable Merchant Criteria:


The merchant must operate as a brick-and-mortar establishment offering tangible goods for sale.


A physical proof-of-purchase, such as a receipt or invoice, must be provided to customers.


Online stores may be accepted if they provide a PDF invoice as proof of purchase.


Excluded Business Types:


Certain businesses are not eligible for participation in the InovoCB program. These include:


Service-oriented businesses such as hair salons, transportation services (e.g., Uber), repair shops, medical facilities, massage or fitness centers, hotels, travel ticket.


Products sold through direct selling companies and online e-commerce platforms that do not provide tangible goods for sale.


Wholesale outlets.

*Note: InovoCB reserves the right to determine merchant eligibility based on these criteria

Retail Items

A retail item is defined as any physical or tangible item (not digital) purchased from a retail merchant and the sale from that item creates a profit for the business (non-wholesale).

Retail purchases may include**:
• electronics
• groceries/produce
• petrol/fuel
• dining out (cost of food only and not including tips or gratuity)
• clothing
• automotive parts
• school supplies, etc.


*Prepaid gift cards or vouchers, pre-paid credit/debit cards, fuel/petrol cards, or any other form of money/currency exchange is not considered a retail item and will not be approved at the time of Redemption. Taxes added to purchase totals, such as value-added taxes (VAT), Sales Tax, or any other form of Tax, will not earn Data points once Redeemed. Members MUST enter ONLY the Subtotal of the receipt and not the total. IF there is NO subtotal then, the receipt could be refused.


Point-of-Sale Receipts / Cash Register Tickets / Online receipt

When you make a retail purchase, whether in-store or online, you typically receive proof of the transaction in the form of a receipt, ticket, or online receipt. This documentation contains essential details about the transaction, including the date, location, merchant name, total cost, items purchased, and payment method. This proof of purchase can be in either physical form, such as a paper receipt, or digital form, like an email receipt.

For us to accurately process your shopping experience into usable data, we require physical proof of purchase, such as a Point-of-Sale Receipt, online receipt, or Cash Register Ticket. Handwritten receipts or invoices, as well as credit card receipts, will not be accepted.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Each individual shopping receipt, invoice, or ticket may only be uploaded and submitted once. Attempting to share a shopping receipt, invoice, or ticket with others to claim benefits from InovoCB will be detected by our software, and both submissions will be declined at the time of Redemption. Members engaging in this behavior may be subject to suspension from our program and may have their status changed to « Banned » or « Terminated. »







Point-of-Sale Thresholds

To accurately capture retail consumer buying habits, purchases must fall within specified thresholds to qualify for redemption. Each retail receipt, invoice, or ticket must have a subtotal ranging from $5.00 USD to $500.00 USD to be eligible for redemption.

Currency Conversion Tool

Our software links with “Real-Time” currency exchanges to determine the best rate at the time of conversion. If a member is using a currency other than USD, the currency conversion tool will automatically convert the currency into a USD value. For example, if purchases are made in Canadian dollars (CAD), then the member will enter their shopping data exactly with what is on the receipt, invoice or ticket in the values of CAD. Our software will then convert the currency automatically without any further action from the member.

Submitting a Redemption

Members may submit a request to redeem submitted receipts from Cashback (data points) to be deposited into the Data points Wallet (a “Redemption”) every thirty (30) days or thirty (30) days from the last Redemption submitted. A Redemption may be “Approved” or “Declined” by the processing team. Submission of a Redemption does not constitute an automatic approval and must go through processing.

Receipt Submission Criteria:


To ensure the validity of submitted data, please ensure that all receipts meet the following criteria:


Authenticity: All receipts must be genuine and accurately reflect retail purchases.


Completeness: Each submission should include all pertinent details such as item lists, names, addresses, prices, and any other relevant information.


Legibility: Ensure that submitted receipts are clear and legible to facilitate accurate processing.


Accuracy: While our AI system may accept certain receipts, please note that submissions may be rejected if crucial information is missing or illegible.


Adhering to these criteria will help streamline the receipt submission process and ensure the accuracy of the data collected.









Our processing team will allow up to 2 receipts to fail the above criteria before declining the entire redemption. Please ensure that you are submitting clear, usable data. Receipts determined to be fraudulent or edited in any fashion will not be approved, and the individual may be suspended, terminated, and/or subject to legal action.


Upon submission for redemption, receipts will go through validation and processing for 60 days. On the 61st day, if approved, the total amount submitted for redemption will be deposited into the Data Point Wallet.


Note: The validation period may be subject to changes due to various agreements with data providers. We are committed to constant communication and development to enhance our methods and expedite validation. Data points will be deposited once our provider confirms that the data is compliant, and the payment is sent to us. We will ensure to approve it as soon as our provider’s payment is confirmed, even if it is before the scheduled period.


Data points and Cashback

Cashback serves as a reward in percentage points, determined by the current program. All cashback rewards will be converted into Data Points, which are calculated instantly and accumulated weekly (from Monday through Sunday at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time). These Data Points will be deposited into the Data Points Wallet upon approval from the Redemption process. It’s important to note that Data Points do not hold actual cash value until Redemption is approved. Each Data Point is equivalent to 1$ USD. However, it’s subject to change at any time if required by InovoCB.


Redemption Limits

For InovoCB Free Members:

Members are eligible to receive up to 2% cashback in the form of Data Points for every receipt submitted.


Redemption is possible once 25 Data Points have been accrued.


To earn a maximum of $25 in Data Points per month, members can accumulate up to 6.5 cashback credits each week.







For InovoCB Premium Members:

Members may receive up to 20% cashback in the form of Data Points for each receipt submitted.


Redemption options include either $100 or $200 every 30 days.


To earn up to $200 in Cashback per month, members can accumulate a maximum of 48 Data Points each week.


The first Redemption must be $100 since the maximum Data Points earnable in a 4-week period is 192 CB Credits (48 credits per week multiplied by 4 weeks equals 192). Any remaining Data Points after the first Redemption will carry over to the next month, allowing for a maximum redemption of $200 if sufficient credits are accumulated in subsequent months.


For InovoCB Premium + Members:

Members may receive up to 20% cashback in the form of Data Points for each receipt submitted.


Redemption options include either $150 or $300 every 30 days.


To earn up to $300 in Cashback per month, members can accumulate a maximum of 70 Data Points each week.


The first Redemption must be $150 since the maximum Data Points earnable in a 4-week period is 280 CB Credits (70 credits per week multiplied by 4 weeks equals 280). Any remaining Data Points after the first Redemption will carry over to the next month, allowing for a maximum redemption of $300 if sufficient credits are accumulated in subsequent months.


General Guidelines:

Members can maximize Data Points each week with either a single receipt or an accumulation of receipts.


While members are encouraged to upload an unlimited number of receipts per week, Data Points will not accrue for any receipts submitted beyond the weekly.


A Redemption may ONLY be submitted 30 days from the day the 1st receipt is uploaded or 30 days from the LAST Redemption submitted.





Redemption Cancellation Policy

Recognizing the importance of cashback redemptions for our valued members, InovoCB has established a Data points Redemption Policy to ensure the fair and transparent administration of our cashback program.


In line with this policy, if a member’s account remains inactive for a period exceeding 15 days, any pending cashback redemption requests may be subject to suspension or cancellation. This measure is implemented to uphold the integrity and fairness of the program, prioritizing timely cashback rewards for active members. We firmly believe that this policy acts as a deterrent against potential misuse of the program while demonstrating our commitment to equitable and transparent practices.


Upon 15 days of account inactivity, affected members will receive formal communication from the company, alerting them to the potential suspension or cancellation of any pending redemption requests. This proactive communication aims to highlight the importance of maintaining an active status to ensure the processing of cashback redemptions.


If a member’s redemption request is canceled due to account inactivity, they will receive a detailed email notification providing a clear explanation for the suspension or cancellation.


We encourage all members to actively participate in our platform to enjoy the benefits of our cashback program consistently. For any inquiries or concerns regarding our cashback program, please feel free to contact our dedicated member support team at support@InovoCB.com . We are committed to providing you with the assistance you need.



A first-time INOVOCB Member may cancel their membership for ANY reason within 72 hours (3 days) if paid with a Credit/Debit card through our merchant provider and may request a full refund to the Credit/Debit card used to complete the membership purchase.

This Refund guarantee applies to NEW Member Enrollments paid by credit/debit card only and NOT on the Renewal of membership. Once the refund is processed, the system will terminate the membership.


There are no refunds if payment are made using Bitcoin (BTC) or other forms of cryptocurrency.






When discussing our company with current or potential InovoCB Members, it is crucial for all Members and Affiliates to act responsibly and carefully in presenting themselves and our brand, adhering to our company’s image and Policies. Most importantly, no Member or Affiliate of InovoCB should ever engage in dishonesty or misrepresentation when communicating their role or portraying our company and its programs to the public or potential Members. To maintain integrity in these activities, all InovoCB Members and Affiliates must strictly follow these rules and regulations.

All InovoCB Members and Affiliates are independent representatives of the company, which does not create an employer/employee relationship, agency, partnership, or joint venture between the company and the Members or Affiliates. Each Member or Affiliate shall hold harmless the company from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of their business practices. InovoCB Members or Affiliates have no authority to bind the company to any obligation. All actions conducted by Members or Affiliates are in the capacity of an independent third party.


In the conduct of its business, the InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate shall safeguard and promote the reputation of the services of the company and shall refrain from all conduct which might be harmful to such reputation of the company or the marketing of such services or inconsistent with the public interest, and shall avoid all discourteous, deceptive, misleading, unethical or immoral conduct or practices. A InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate shall not interfere with, harass, or undermine other Members and, always, shall respect the privacy of other Members and Affiliates. An InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate must not disparage the Company, its affiliated entities, other InovoCB Members, InovoCB Affiliates, Company products and/or services, the marketing, the compensation, reward plans, InovoCB employees or Executives.


All InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates are responsible for paying applicable local, state/province, and national taxes on bonuses, rewards, rebates, or any other earnings generated as a referee of Company memberships, products, and services. All Members and/or Affiliates are responsible for abiding by their home country’s local, state/province, and national laws and regulations.


InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates shall not advertise INOVOCB products and services and/or marketing plans except as specifically approved by the company. InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates agree to make no false or fraudulent representations about the company, the products, the InovoCB compensation plan, or income potential.








INOVOCB maintains official corporate websites, social media pages, online groups and forums (such as, but not limited to, Facebook Groups), and smartphone applications (collectively the “InovoCB Portal”). No Member may independently design or establish a website, social media page/group, app, or other portal or service of any type whatsoever that uses the names, logos, product, or service descriptions of the company, nor may any InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate use “blind” ads on the Internet making product or income claims which are ultimately associated with Company products, services, or the company’s compensation plan without prior Company approval. However, Members may participate in social networking over the Internet to promote the company’s products and rewards, in full accordance with InovoCB policies and procedures. Any person using InovoCB names, logos, trademarks, etc., on the Internet or any other advertising medium, except as permitted by INOVOCB rules and regulations shall be subject to immediate discipline, including but not limited to termination of membership or affiliate status.


InovoCB reserves the right to approve or disapprove the Member’s change of name, business name, or organizational form associated with the Member’s registration. If the company approves such a change by the Member, the organization’s name and the organization’s principals’ names must appear on the Member application/agreement, and a national identification number of each. The INOVOCB Member and/or Affiliate is prohibited to make changes to circumvent or violate InovoCB’s rules on raiding, solicitation, targeting, cross-recruiting, or other team interference.


If a member feels they are not receiving adequate mentorship, education, support, or training from their enroller, the company will not move the member to a different team. Instead, they will refer the members to different leaders within the same team to provide support until they feel comfortable. If the member wishes to change teams as a last resort, they must submit a request to the compliance team. However, it’s important to note that in this case, the members’ account will be terminated, and they will need to re-enroll with the new team. This process could take up to 30 days. Additionally, the member will lose all data points and their position, as it will be considered a new account.



If a InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate fails to maintain the recurring 30-day payment for membership, the membership will assume Inactive status and lose some rights, privileges, and other accrued benefits. If a Member or Affiliate remains Inactive for more than 30 days, the membership will enter Terminated status, and all rights to bonuses, member benefits, and access to the Membership Portal will permanently cease.








InovoCB shall be entitled to change membership prices, the compensation plan, the values or amounts earned in the InovoCB Program, and other rewards at any time and without notice. InovoCB expressly reserves the right to alter or amend prices, fees, the Terms of Use, the Terms and Conditions, Membership benefits and terms, reward programs, compensation plans, or any other rules or regulations set by the company at any time. InovoCB will also be allowed to make price or reward changes as needed for publication on the website, social media, and promotional materials.


Periodically, the company will supply data processing information and reports to the INOVOCB Members and/or Affiliates, which will provide information concerning personal referrals, genealogy information, and other earning or compensation reports. The InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate agrees that such information is proprietary and confidential to InovoCB and is transmitted to the INOVOCB Member and/or Affiliate in confidence. The InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate agrees that he or she will not disclose such information to any third party directly or indirectly, nor use the information to compete with the company directly or indirectly during or after the term of the agreement.


Members may not advertise any InovoCB product or service at a price LESS than the highest company published, established retail price of ONE offering of the InovoCB product or service. No special enticement advertising is allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, offers of free or discounted memberships, Inovo Keys, or other offers that grant an advantage beyond those available through the company. InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates found to violate this policy may be terminated immediately without review.


The acceptance of these terms, policies, and conditions does not constitute the sale of a franchise, and no exclusive territories will be granted to anyone. No franchise fees have been paid, nor will any member acquire any interest in security by accepting these agreements.


InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates shall maintain the highest standards of business practices when discussing or marketing INOVOCB. Members shall refrain from engaging in unethical business practices or violating standards of fair dealing, engaging in cross-team recruiting or other unfair or unethical business practices, or generally engaging in any activities that would damage the company’s brand (in its sole discretion).


InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates may not make claims or warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, any claims for earnings or services, other than those included in official company literature, advertisements, marketing and any other official communication from the company.


Sending SPAM, also known as Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE), is prohibited by the company. Any use of SPAM, fax broadcasting, automated messaging, automated telemarketing by phone, unsolicited text messaging, Whatsapp/Telegram messages, or any unwanted or unsolicited communication in connection with the company’s business may result in suspension, a fine, or termination of membership.


Trademark, Trade Names and Advertising

The InovoCB name and other names as may be adopted by InovoCB are proprietary trade names and trademarks of InovoCB INC. As such, these marks are of great value and are supplied to the InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate for use only in an expressly authorized manner.

InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates agree not to advertise InovoCB products or services in any way other than the advertising or promotional materials made available by InovoCB. InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates agree not to use any written, printed, recorded, digital or any other material in advertising, promoting or describing the products or services or programs, or in any other manner, any material which has not been copyrighted and supplied by the company, unless such material has been submitted to InovoCB corporate and approved in writing by InovoCB before being disseminated, published or displayed.


The InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate, as an independent third party, is fully responsible for all his/her verbal and written statements made regarding the product or service and marketing program, which are not expressly contained in writing in the current Member Agreement, and advertising or promotional materials supplied directly by InovoCB. InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates agree to indemnify the company and hold it harmless from any and all liability including judgments, civil penalties, refunds, attorney fees, court costs, or loss of business incurred by the company due to InovoCB Members’ or Affiliates’ unauthorized representations or misrepresentations.


All InovoCB materials, whether printed, on film, produced by sound recording, in digital media format or on the Internet, and social media of any type, are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part by Members, Affiliates, or any other person except as authorized by the company.


A InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate may not produce, use or distribute any information relative to the contents, characteristics, or properties of the InovoCB product or service which has not been provided directly by the company. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, print, audio, video, and/or other digital media.


All advertising copy, direct mailing, email, radio, TV, newspaper, podcasts, newsletter, livestream and display copy via the Internet must be approved in writing before being disseminated, published, or displayed except for blind ads where no reference is made to the InovoCB company name or product name.


InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates may not register or claim ownership of any trademarks, logo, website domains, social media accounts or pages, or any other intellectual property of the company in any jurisdiction in the world.





Individual and Entity Ownership Information

Membership accounts may only be owned and held by individuals, not corporations or other entities, without InovoCB’s express approval. An individual shall provide the company with a National Identification Number and other documents as required to verify identity through the KYC process ordained by InovoCB at the time of any BTC or other monetized payouts. No individual operating under a fictitious name may become a InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate. If any entity other than an individual wish to become a InovoCB Member and/or Affiliate, the individual(s) controlling the partnership, corporation, or other business entity is required to fulfill the same requirements as all individuals under this agreement.



All INOVOCB Members agree to:


Provide information, support, and training to the InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates personally enrolled.


Study all InovoCB policies, terms, and literature to learn how to represent the company and services honestly and sincerely.


Help other InovoCB Members and/or Affiliates directly connect with top InovoCB Affiliates.


Be professional, courteous, honest, and considerate.


Not misrepresent the Affiliate Compensation Program or any other InovoCB service or benefit.


Not treat access to the InovoCB membership as a business opportunity, investment, or other vehicles for financial gain, nor create a network of referrals through techniques such as “stacking,” creating fake entities, submitting fake or inaccurate shopping data, or any other such activity – undertaken individually or in concert with others – contrary to the company purpose and its Policies and Procedures.







Disciplinary Actions

InovoCB retains the right to terminate any Member and/or Affiliate account at its discretion and without prior notice. However, InovoCB may opt to take disciplinary actions as outlined below in response to Member and/or Affiliate violations of these Policies and Procedures, the Terms of Use, or any other rules, agreements, or policies established by InovoCB. The following actions may be taken by our compliance and enforcement team:

Issuance of a written warning or admonition.


Imposition of a fine, which may be deducted immediately from the Inovo Wallet, Data Point Wallet or withheld from future bonuses, compensation, rewards, rebates, or other applicable sources as deemed appropriate by the company.


Loss of benefits related to Member or Affiliate referrals, compensation, or removal from the Affiliate Program.


Suspension, which may be temporary and subject to reinstatement with conditions or restrictions or may lead to termination.


Termination of the Membership or Banning from the platform.

Termination Process & Appeal


Upon a decision to terminate or ban a Member/Affiliate, the company will promptly notify the individual, with termination taking immediate effect upon notification. The Member/Affiliate will have a 15-day window, from the date of notification, to submit a written appeal to compliance@InovoCB.com . The appeal should address any violations of InovoCB Agreements, policies, or rules they are accused of. Failure to submit an appeal within 15 days will result in automatic finalization of the termination.


If a Member or Affiliate submits a timely appeal, the InovoCB compliance team will review it and reconsider the termination, exploring any suitable actions. The final decision made by the compliance team will be binding, with no further avenues for review. If the termination is upheld, it will be retroactively effective as of the original termination notice.


Once a decision to terminate an account is made, the affected individual is prohibited from using any references to InovoCB products or services. They must not represent themselves as an InovoCB Member or Affiliate during the appeal process. Failure to comply during the appeal will result in automatic termination of the pending appeal.Forme